Type: Reality TV
Casting Women in their 20’s – Los Angeles ONLY!
Are you or a loved one in desperate need for a change? Is your lifestyle getting in the way of your personal goals and professional success? Have you suffered heartbreak and need once-in-a-lifetime help? Are you stuck in a rut while your friends are living large? Have you suffered a catastrophic loss and are desperate to be the person you once were?
This is for you if you are ready to go to the NEXT LEVEL!
• Name, Age, Phone number
• 3 – 5 photos of you or the person you are nominating
• One 3 minute video of yourself and/or the person you are nominating and why a makeover would be important.
• Photo of closest relative/friend who would participate with you
Payment: Paid
City or Location of call: Los Angeles
Please submit to: Lifestyled@propagateshows.com
This casting notice was posted by: Propagate Entertainment